
College Men's Visit to McKinley.

Arrangements are being perfected for the visit of college republicans to Major McKinley's home in Canton, Saturday, October 31. The party will probably leave Boston from the Boston and Albany Railroad Station on Friday, October 30, at 10 a. m., in a special train of vestibuled Wagner palace sleeping cars, to which dining cars will be attached for all meals. The train will reach Canton about 10 a. m. Saturday and remain sidetracked until 11 p. m., when it will return to Boston, arriving at 7 o'clock Monday morning.

A price has been arranged to cover first-class railway fare to and from Canton, sleeping car accommodations for the entire time, a double berth (half a section for each person) and seven meals in dining car. All students intending to go are requested to communicate with W. B. Wolffe.
