
Special Notice.

SEE "An Autumn Girl" by W. Granville Smith in Truth tomorrow. All trains and news stands.

COLLEGE Room to Let.- Front, corner room, 41 Divinity. Price very reasonable. Apply at Bursar's office.

ROOMS to let with furnace heat, gas and bath; furnished or unfurnished. Terms reasonable. 62 Wendell St.

"THE Bohemian Girl" has been selected as the fourth of the season's attractions at the Castle Square Theatre. The popularity of this opera is best shown by the fact that it has held the stage wherever operatic music is known for over half a century, its original production having been made in London in 1843. Its tuneful melodies have been sung in every language, and its music has become as familiar on the concert stage and in the home as in its original form for stage production. Its earlier performances by the Castle Sqare Company have been made notable by the revival of many numbers not usually heard in the productions of later days; and Mr. Max Hirschfeld has always succeeded in meeting the severest criticisms by the presentations of the opera under his baton. General Director Jaxon will give "The Bohemiar Girl" an elaborate stage setting, and a repetition of its earlier popularity at this house can be safely relied upon. In the cast Miss Clara Lane and Miss Laura Millard will alternate as Arline; Miss Rose Leighton will be the Queen; Mr. Edgar Temple, Thaddeus; Mr. J. K. Murray, Count; Mr. W. H. Clarke, Devilshoof and Mr. Chas. Holly, Florestein.

Gonee's "Royal Middy" is announced to follow "The Bohemian Girl."

