
"Briefs for Debate."

W. D. Brookings '95 and R. C. Ringwalt '95, both prominent in debating while undergraduates, the former especially in English VI and the latter as president of the Harvard Union and member of the team that last defeated Yale in debate, have just published a most helpful book on debating. It consists of a collection of 75 carefully prepared briefs for debate on questions of politics, sociology and economics.

Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, whose long experience as one of the conductors of English VI, makes him an authority of the first rank on debating, has furnished a lengthy, interesting introduction on the subject. He gives some excellent advice, helpful alike to beginner and adept, about the selection of a question, the use of materials, the management of a debate, rebuttal, persuasive speaking and kindred topics.

The work is intended to be a textbook for formal courses in public speaking and discussion; to provide a manual for literary and debating societies, and to give the ordinary worker, not a specialist in the subjects treated, suggestion and assistance. In these three classes the book will be of great value, as it states concisely the principal arguments, pro and con, on a large number of the important topics of the day; that it presents working bibliographies on these topics; and that it gives examples of logical statement, and suggests a systematic method for the treatment of other topics.

"Briefs for Debate," edited by W. Du Bois Brookings, A. B., of the Harvard Law School, and Ralph Curtis Ringwalt, A. B., Assistant in Rhetoric in Columbia University, with an introduction by Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph. D., Assistant Professor in Harvard University. Longmans, Green and Co., New York, publishers.
