
Mock Presidential Ballot.

As already announced, the CRIMSON will conduct a poll of the officers and students of the University for the election of President of the United States. Any man, regardless of age, whose name appeared in last year's Catalogue, or in the fall preliminary list, is eligible to vote. Ballots may be cast at any time before 6 p. m. Wednesday at the CRIMSON office, where printed ballots may be obtained. It is especially urged that every one vote the ticket which he intends to support in the coming national election, and, furthermore, that he vote as he would at his own home.

But three tickets have been prepared for the CRIMSON mock ballot-McKinley-Hobart, Palmer-Buckner, and Bryan-Sewall. If, however, any one wishes to vote the Populist or Prohibition tickets, ballots will be provided for the purpose. The results of each day's voting will be published in the CRIMSON of the following morning.

Officers from the Republican, Democratic and Silver Democratic clubs have been asked to assist in counting the votes.
