Any graduate or undergraduate of Harvard University may obtain four seats to the Princeton game to be played on Soldiers Field, November 7, by sending application to the Graduate Manager, on the blanks provided for the purpose on or before Thursday, October 29. These blanks will be ready for distribution on Thursday at Leavitt and Peirce's in Cambridge, and at Wright and Ditson's and the various clubs in Boston, or may be obtained of the management. The tickets will be assigned by lot after the sale to season ticket holders.
The sale to season ticket holders will begin at 8 a. m., Friday, October 30, at Leavitt and Peirce's, and will continue for two days. Each ticket entitles its owner to the privilege of purchasing three seats and one person may present ten tickets.
The sales to the public will begin Monday, November 2, at 8 a. m., at Leavitt and Peirce's in Cambridge, and at Wright and Ditson's in Boston.
Prices will be $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 for seats on the sides of the field and $1.00 for seats at the ends of the field. All seats will be reserved by number.
Students now resident at the University will be afforded an opportunity to witness the game from the end of the field for 50 cents. The 50 cent tickets may be obtained only by students for their own use and must be applied for on special blanks which will be ready for distribution the last of this week. No man who obtains one of these tickets will be allowed to purchase seats on the sides of the field.
NORMAN W. BINGHAM, Graduate Manager.
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University Chess Club Tournament.