
Special Notice.

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS cost 25 or 50 cents.

STUDENTS: It does not cost much to keep your clothes in good shape and conditien. MacKeigan, the tailor, 15 Brattle street, Room 10, opposite Post Office, Cambridge, will clean and press your suit or overcoat and an extra pair of trousers once a week, the whole college year, for the small sum of $9.00. Don't forget this fact-He sends for and delivers weekly. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 14 6t*

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS prevent biliousness.

ROOM TO LET.- $50 per year. Sunny, pleasant, furnace heat and lighted. Inquire at Holyoke 46, from 2 to 3 p. m. daily. 1-tf

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS prevent typhoid fever.


FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD at 10 Remington street. Club tables accommodated. 6 6t*

Go to Bartlett's for St. Christobal Salts.

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Greek 10, Semitic 12. Max Benshimol, 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge.

1-e o d-tf

FOR SALE.- A valuable all round bay horse, Kentucky bred and acclimated, a fast easy saddler, and a free all day roadster in either buggy or trap. Can road better than twelve miles an hour and is not afraid of cars or electrics. Owner will sell under a written guarantee. Apply to Lake and Moynahan, Quincy Square Stables, or to R. E. Gregg, The Stanstead, 19 Ware street. 13 2*

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, October 13, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS are sold by Hubbard the Druggist.
