

Professor Dorpfeld on Thucydides.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Professor Dorpfeld will interpret Thucydides II. 15 on next Saturday morning, at 12 o'clock, in Harvard 1.

He has recently announced the startling theory that the temples and the fountain called Enneacrunus, named by Thucydides in this chaper, did not lie south and southeast of the Acropolis, as scholars have supposed, but to the west. His latest excavations have been made with the expectation of establishing by the aid of the spade the truth of his belief.

Professor Dorpfeld's interpretation of this celebrated passage will have an intrinsic interest, as the statement by a learned man of the grounds of his opinion on an important question; but many who hear him will feel even a greater interest in observing his method, which has become famous. I venture, therefore, to call the attention of students, especially of those students who are engaged in investigation in any department of the University, to the appointment which Professor Dorpfeld has kindly consented to make.


