

WELD CREWS.- All members of the University who wish to try for the Weld crews will report at the boathouse at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The men who rowed in the eight last year will be at the boathouse at 4.30.

ALL candidates for the '99 class team be dressed to play on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal for spring club at 7 o'clock tonight.

R. B. FLERSHEM, Sec.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon from 2 to 4. All men who intend to try for the team should come out.

DEMOCRATIC Executive Committee will meet at 7.30 tonight at 45 Hastings.


J. STEWART BRYAN, Chairman.SAMOSET CLUB.- Meeting in 4 Conant, Friday evening, Oct. 16, at 8. 13 3t

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- The 'Varsity Banjo Club trial takes place at 1208 Massachusetts avenue, Thursday evening, October 15, at 7.30 sharp. Every student who plays the banjeaurine, banjo or guitar is eligible.

R. B. FLERSHEM, Sec.Any member of the University, Academic, Graduate, Law, Medical or Divinity departments, whether Republican or sound money Democrat, may become a member of the Sound Money Campaign Club by enrolling at Leavitt and Peirce's, and by paying 25 cents. Students who desire "gold bug" shingles must pay 25 cents extra.

W. B. WOLFFE, Secretary.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Any member of the University who wishes to join the Shooting Club may do so by paying five dollars to the treasurer, H. F. Lunt, '98, either at 27 Thayer Hall or at the grounds of the club during shoots. The first shoot will be held Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 p. m. 12 3t

The Republican Club may be joined and shingle procured at the headquarters, 9 Holworthy. Office hours from 9 till 4, and 6.30 until 8 o'clock in the evening.

K. DE LAITTRE, Sec.10 5t
