We wish to call the attention of all students in the University to the third of the course of lectures given by Dr. Dorpfeld which takes place tonight in the Fogg Museum. The subject is an especially interesting one, not only to the specialist in classics, but to the student in architecture, fine arts or esthetics. The architecture of the buildings on the Acropolis has stood the test of centuries as the finest expression of national artistic taste and character. It is not too much to say that the education of the general student is not complete without some idea of the exquisite architecture of the buildings on the Acropolis.
The great value of the subject itself is not the only reason why it is worth while to go to these lectures. It is a great privilege to hear such a man as Dr. Dorpfeld. His reputation is world-wide. He is the greatest Grecian archaelogist. His delivery is wonderfully fine and impressive. His enunciation is so clear and distinct that the most indifferent German student cannot fail to catch his meaning now and then. Added to this is the aid given by stereopticon illustrations, which in themselves convey some idea of the theme.
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