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The Freshman class will have one of its first opportunities to show its class spirit and its willingness to work for the interests of the University, in the meeting tonight to organize the Freshman Debating Club of 1900. For the club is one of the most important of the Freshman organizations. It offers the only training in debate that Freshmen can obtain, since neither the Forum nor the Union nor any of the debating courses are open to Freshmen.

It is through the Freshman Club only that members of the incoming class can be thoroughly trained for the older debating societies, and for this reason it forms an important part of the debating system of the University. The value of the training will depend largely upon the enthusiasm with which it is supported by the class and the thoroughness with which its work is carried on by officers and members. The class of Ninety-nine set an excellent example in the enthusiasm and success with which it organized and conducted its debating club.

Some incentive for individual effort will undoubtedly be offered. If the Advisory Committee on Debating should hold to its decision to end the Freshman intercollegiate contests, debating prizes will be given. Self-interest, therefore, as well as duty, urges all Freshmen to make the meeting tonight a thorough success.
