
Glee Club Trial.

The second of the preliminary trials of candidates for the University Glee Club was held in Lower Dane last night. The two trials resulted in the choice from seventy men of the following, who are kept on for further trial. They are asked to watch for notices in the CRIMSON: L. Ullmann '99, Lewis B. Canterbury '00; H. P. D. Kingsbury '99, John B. Hawes '00, Ralph McKittrick '99, E. V. Dexter '97, S. C. Coleman '00, Rodman Gilder '99, G. Ralph Osborne, Sp. '00, W. J. Taylor '99, William C. Hilman '00, George Cabot Ward '98, J. E. Sharkey, Sp., Eliot Wadsworth '98, J. Freeman Wood '98.
