
Calendar for the Day.

The follwing calendar for today is taken from the "Circular of Information," issued by the University:

1. For information concerning College duties, apply to the Recorder, University Hall, south entry, first floor, room 4.

2. For information concerning rooms and boarding places, for map of College yard and vicinity, all circulars, lists of courses of study, etc., and for general assistance of any kind, apply to the Committee on the Reception of Students, Professor N. S. Shaler, chairman, University Hall, south entry, first floor, room 2.

3. For all information concerning the Lawrence Scientific School apply to the Secretary of the School, in University Hall, north entry, flrst floor, room 16.

No meetings in courses of study will be held during Thursday morning. The first meetings will be those announced for 1.30 o'clock Thursday afternoon.


13. College special students readmitted from a previous year of attendance will meet their advisers at 9.30 o'clock on Thursday, October 1, in the consultation rooms announced in the circular.

14. Today between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. students are required to register in the rooms assigned them. Places of registration are given in another column.

Graduates, University Hall, south entry, third floor, 10.

College Seniors, Lower Dane.

College Juniors, Upper Dane.

College Sophomores, Upper Mass.

College Freshmen, Lower Mass.

College Specials, Harvard 5.

All students of Lawrence Scientific School, University 16.

IMPORTANT NOTICE.- For admission to a "starred" course, an undergraduate must get the written consent of the instructor; for admission to a course "primarily for graduates," the written recommendation of the instructor. The consent or the recommendation must be written on the card on which the student writes his list of studies.

The "Circular of Information," to be obtained in the registration rooms, tells where each instructor may be found.

15. First meetings of courses. For times of meeting, see the announcement of Courses of Instruction, 1896-97; for places of meeting, see another column. There will be no meetings in courses on Thursday, October 1, before 1.30 p. m.
