
Ice Polo Association.

At a meeting held in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium yesterday afternoon an Ice Polo Association was formed to organize a polo team to represent Harvard. The following officers were elected: President, F. S. Elliot, L. S.; secretary and manager, J. W. Dunlop '97; treasurer, T. H. Clarkson '99. F. J. Goodridge was elected temporary captain. The following men have signed as candidates for the team.

C. E. Baldwin '99, J. C. Barron '99, G. H. Noyes '97, E. C. Mains '99, G. R. Jenkins, L. S., F. A. Russell '99, Jas. Nowell '99, L. W. Jenney, L. S., I. S. Barstow '98, F. L. Collier '99, E. Wadsworth '98, T. H. Clarkson '99, E. Stevens '99.
