
Special Notice.

HISTORY 1, 9, 10, 12, Latin 10, Government 1, Fine Arts 3, Semitic 12, Philosophy 5. Tutoring.


MISS L. L. BANGS, Stenographer and Copyist, 7 Exchange Place, Room 20 Boston. Carbon and Mimeograph copies furnished. Terms reasonable. 82

THE Harvard Students who have taken Professor Alfred Hennequin's course on "The Technique of the Drama," at the New England College of Languages, 120 Tremont street, predict that the course which the professor begins Monday, the 13th inst. at 4 p. m., will be popular with our students. See advertisement on back page. 80 6t

TUTORING.- English, A, B, 2, 4, 6, 11; Physics, 1-5; Chemistry, A, B, 1, 2a, 2; Mathematics, A to F. Applications by mail.


F. L. MEREDITH, B. S., 8 Ellery St., Cambridge. tfA CLUB TABLE can be accommodated at the Peabody Club; pleasant front room. Seats at the general tables can be secured at any time. The best board in the city, $6.00. 126 Mt. Auburn Street. 79 4t

THE production of Faust at the Castle square Theatre on Monday evening last was a triumph for the management and the stock company.

Mr. Wolff's Mephisto was a superb piece of artistic work; in make-up, voice and gesture he was the embodiment of Satanic wickedness.

Valentine proved just the part for Mr. Murray, and particularly in his death scene, he was strong and convincing.

Miss Lane was a charming Marguerite. From her first entrance to her lonely prison cell, where her life goes out, she realized fully the sweetness and dramatic strength of the role. No one will soon forget the picture she made at the close of the opera, when the bare prison walls opened and Marguerite is seen amid the clouds, her face picturing the rapture she has lost on earth.

As for the production, nothing like it has been seen in Boston. The scenes were all carefully planned, set with great celerity, while the electrical effects by Mr. Murphy were bewildering in number and novelty.

Faust will continue for the entire week with matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.

As fast as well-to-do gentlemen learn how comfortable and stylish The Crawford Shoe is, they adopt it.
