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Just a year ago two hundred and fiftysix men met in Massachusetts Hall in response to a call for candidates for the University track and field team. This was the largest number that had ever come out to train for a Harvard team. There is every reason why this number should be exceeded at the meeting tonight. Of the twenty-six hundred men in the Cambridge departments of the University, there are certainly more than one man in ten who have the time and capacity to undertake the training which candidates for this team will undergo, and who would get both enjoyment and profit out of it. It happens perhaps more often in this branch of athletics than in others that the best material is often developed from men who have had no previous experience and who are not aware of their fitness for the work. It is really very little to ask of every man who is not intending to try for any other team, to join one of the squads that will meet for daily practice in the gymnasium and at least give himself and the coaches a chance to see what capacity he has.
