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Now that a baseball captain for the coming year has finally been chosen every member of the University who has its honor at heart will do all that lies in his power to help to turn out the best possible team, whether by coming forward as a candidate, if he likes ballplaying, or by giving his moral support to the nine if he cannot try for it himself. We mention the "honor" of the University advisedly, in spite of the fact that in Saturday's issue we deprecated its undue use as a motive for supporting University teams, since the honor of the University has been very seriously impugned in some of the daily papers. Because there was more than one candidate for the position of captain and becasuse each had his firm supporters for the place before the appointment, it is now announced in staring headlines that there is a "Row at Harvard." As a matter of fact only a very few of the students knew of the result of the election at the time when these words were set up in the office of the Herald. Knowing that some feeling had existed before, the writer left it to be inferred that Harvard students were not sportsmen enough, not gentlemen enough, to sink all differences of opinion that had previously obtained and unite heartily and disinterestedly in support of the man who was finally chosen. This is where the honor of Harvard has been assaild and it is upon the supporters of the defeated candidates that the brunt of the insult falls. To them we appeal to give the lie to an insinuation whose utterance alone has already done more harm to Harvard, coming as it does from a usually reliable source, than any criticism that has been published for years.
