
Special Notice.

CALENDARS FOR 1896.- Size 11x14 in., envelope to fit. Beautiful picture of the Harvard Football Team, large engraved calendar pad. Very neat. Price 25 cts. For sale at Leavitt and Peirce's, Thurston's, Amee Bros.'s, and the Cooperative.

TUTORING in Mathematics and Physics by an experienced Harvard graduate.

F. C. MCLAUGHLIN, A. M. 4 Read's Block.78 3t

TO RENT.- Study and bedroom on front of house; well furnished; steam heat; for the balance of college year, $70. The Peabody Club, 126 Mt. Auburn Street. 79 2t

TO RENT.- Owner leaving college, will let till July 1, a $325 suite for $125. Bath, gas, steam, fire places, fully furnished. Apply Felton Hall. 78 2t


LOST.- Latin 10 Note Book. Finder will please return it to W. D. Cotton, Jr., 44 Hastings. 78 3t

A CLUB TABLE can be accommodated at the Peabody Club; pleasant front room. Seats at the general tables can be secured at any time. The best board in the city, $6.00. 126 Mt. Auburn Street. 79 4t

Wide awake men are fast getting on to the fact that a Crawford Shoe at $6, $5 or even $4, is fully as good as a $10 or $12 custom made shoe.

LOST.- A History 11 note-book. Finder will please leave it at Leavitt and Peirce's.

ROOM-MATE WANTED.- Room in Collge Yard; exposure S. and W. Occupant's last year. Inquire at CRIMSON office.

CRIMSON CAFE DINING ROOMS.- We try to make people pleased with what they eat, and our meats and vegetables are especially fresh and wholesome. For meals cooked to order our charge is $7.00 per week; for regular first-class board $5.50 per week. Our special aim is to please the students and give them good wholesome home-cooked food.

MISS ROGERS, who has been carefully trained by the most skillful Parisian specialists in treatment of the hair and facial massage has opened an office at 26a Brattle street (McNamee's Building).

75 3t

Step into a Crawford Shoe Store and examine the make and quality of a Crawford Shoe at $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00.

WE are now ready to make interiors of students' rooms. Remember that Pach Bros. have no equal in this line. Mr. Tupper, manager for the Pachs, has devoted the last fourteen years to Harvard photography and will guarantee all work. Please leave orders at studio. We have no outside agent. 72 6t

TUTORING.- F. L. Meredith B. S., High School experience. Trigonometry, Geometry, Algebra, all the sciences, including full work in Chemistry and Physics. Call or address, 8 Ellery street. tf

DANCING CLASSES. Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class opens as follows: Cambridgeport, Odd Fellows Hall, Tuesdays, 8 p. m. Residence, corner Mass. Ave. and Inman st. Private lessons by appointment.

First-class in every respect-The Crawford Shoe, though sold at $6.00, $5.00 and even $4.00, has style, comfort and good looks combined and wears well.
