
National Interscholastic A. A.

A meeting was held in New York City last Saturday, Dec. 28, to organize a national interscholastic athletic association. The officers elected were: President, H. I. Pratt, of the Long Island I. S. A. A.; secretary, H. N. Dunbar, of the N. E. I. S. A. A.; treasurer, O. E. Michaells, of the Maine I. S. A. A. The object of the association is the promotion of physical exercise in the public, private and preparatory schools of the United States. The first field games of the association will be held in New York next June after the schools have closed. All members of the association will be entitled to enter the winners and second men in their separate league games upon the payment of the annual dues of $25. Five leagues, representing at least 150 schools, have announced their intention of joining and the prospect of five more coming in is bright.
