Professor F. G. Peabody conducted the Vesper Service yesterday at Appleton Chapel. There was a very large attendance on account of its being the Day of Prayer for College.
Dr. Peabody spoke of this in his sermon. The Day of Prayer for Colleges, he said, was instituted in the New England colleges over seventy years ago. Duty in regard to college work and religion was a very simple matter then compared to what it is now. In these days of complexity of life and numerous temptations to college students, many think that safety can only be had by acting on the defensive, as it were; and by keeping out of the active and heterogeneous existence about them. This is a mistaken conception of one's duty. A man should mingle with the crowd. In the busy university life of today there are unlimited opportunities to do good to others. Our attitude, instead of being one of indifference or of holding aloof should be one of solemn hope and participation.
The choir sang the following selections: "The Great Day of the Lord is Near," Martin; "Holy Spirit Come," Martin; "Now the Day is Over," Marks (solo).
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