
Special Notice.

TUTORING in History 1, 10.

C. E. WHITMORE, JR., 12 Hollis Hall.83 tf

HISTORY 1, 9, 10, 12, Latin 10, Government 1, Fine Arts 3, Semitic 12, Philosophy 5. Tutoring.


FINE-TONED $15.00 guitar, with pearl position dots, and $3.00 canvas case. Both as good as new. Almost half price, $10.00. Enquire of W. L. Holt, 42 Kirkland St., third floor, head of stairs. In from 2.30-6.


ENGLISH A, Fine Arts 3, Latin, Greek. Rapid and thorough tutoring; moderate rates; three years experience; also reading and literary work.

A. P. DEAN, 13 Chauncy St.2 2t

SEE "A Safe Pilot," in Truth tomorrow. All news stands and trains.

ALL graduates of '94 and '95 who have not yet received copies of the Portfolio for '94 or '95 may receive them by writing W. B. Wolffe.

The Crawford Shoe leads in style and has a custom made look about it which other makers try to imitate without succeeding.

TUTORING.- English, A, B, 2, 11; Physics, 1-5; Chemistry, A, B, 1, 2a, 2; Mathematics, A to F. Applications by mail.

F. L. MEREDITH, B. S., 8 Ellery St., Cambridge. tfTUTORING.- History 1, 10; Economics 1; Government and Law 1; and Geology 4. Maps in History 1, 10.

C. A. ROSS '96, 6 College House.88 20t

MISS L. L. BANGS, Stenographer and Copyist, 7 Exchange Place, Room 20 Boston. Carbon and Mimeograph copies furnished. Terms reasonable. 82

TUTORING in Physics 1, Engineering 1a, Math. A, Ger. A, Latin A.

A. E. DOUCETTE, GR., 8 Thayer Hall.1 3t

Let any man who thinks a shoe as good as the one he is wearing cannot be sold for $6.00, $5.00 or even $4.00, examine the Crawford-sold only at Crawford Shoe Stores.
