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Every members of the University who has any interest whatever in whist should, if possible, enter the tournament which is soon to be held. Though the entries close tomorrow night there will be plenty of time after the mid-year period is over for the matches of the first round to be played, Feb. 15 being the date when the round is closed.

The success which Harvard won last year should be repeated it the cooperation of all the whist players in the University is once secured. If every man who loves the game and can afford the time will enter he will not only obtain a great deal of pleasure out of the tournament, but he will do his part in developing good material for the intercollegiate matches. As has been announced in the CRIMSON, many of the most experienced players have left the University and their places have got to be filled by the men who prove themselves best in the tournament.

Ohess and whist have a less general and intense interest than some other intercollegiate contests, but Harvard men have a right to feel satisfaction in the good showing which their representatives have made in these games. Let every man who wishes to see the record kept up do his share by signing the book at Bartlett's before tomorrow night.
