A meeting of representatives of the universities of Harvard and Pennsylvania was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel on Dec. 27 to arrange for a series of field and track events between the athletic teams of the two institutions. After some discussion it was decided to hold a track athletic meeting in Philadelphia on May 16.
The following delegates from the two universities were present at the meeting: F. W. Moore, J. L. Bremer, and P. S. Dalton, from Harvard; H. L. Geyelin, F. B. Ellis, and T. A. Wiborn, from Pennsylvania.
It was decided that the order of events should be as follows: 120 yard hurdle, trial heats; 100 yards dash, trial heats; one mile walk, quarter mile run, 120 yard hurdle, final heat; 100 yard dash, final, one mile run, bicycle races, 220 yard hurdle, trial heats; 220 yard dash, trial heats: half mile run, 220 yard hurdle, final; 220 yard dash, final.
There will be four entries to each event, except the quarter mile run, which will have but three to avoid the necessity of trial heats.
The entries are to be sent in by each college two weeks before the day scheduled for the games, and must be properly certified by the Faculty Athletic Committee of each university. The rules of eligibility to the events will be the same as those which govern the football and baseball games held by the two contesting colleges, and the intercollegiate rules will govern everything else not specified therein. All of the events will be scratch.
W. B. Curtis was selected as referee, and was instructed to appoint judges and a starter. The other officers of the games will be appointed by a committee of two, consisting of one representative each from Harvard and Pennsylvania. It is further ruled that both colleges must name their four candidates for each event three days before the date named for the contest.
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History XI.