The athletic games to be held at Athens next April promise to be of unusual interest, as here it is proposed to revive as nearly as possible the ancient Olympic Games. The occasion is the 75th anniversary of the proclamation of Greek independence, and the celebration will begin April 6, lasting five days. The Hellenic government has voted a large appropriation to meet current expenses, and private individuals have given freely to the celebration. The king and queen and all three princes are showing great interest in the work. The general programme of the games, as far as it is possible now to determine it, is as follows:
Athletic sports.- Foot races, jumping, weight throwing, and quoit throwing.
Gymnastics.- Individual and collective combats, fencing and wrestling, assaults with sword and sabre.
Rifle shooting.- At a mark, different distances, on a field near Athens.
Naval sports.- Yachting and rowing races in the Bay of Phalerum.
Natation.- Swimming races, polo matches, football,- all in the same waters.
Divers contests.- Bicycle races, tennis, cricket, and golf matches.
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