
Representation by Sections.

Following is the representation by section of the three principal Eastern colleges:

Northeastern Section.

Harvard. Yale. Princeton.

Maine, 99 20 0

New Hampshire, 75 18 1


Vermont, 17 29 3

Massachusetts, 2048 115 5

Rhode Island, 71 14 0

Connecticut, 42 712 5

New York, 354 496 165

New Jersey, 43 88 249

Pennsylvania, 108 154 307

Total, 2857 1646 735

Central Section.

Ohio, 107 124 47

Indiana, 22 20 16

Illinois, 137 118 37

Michigan, 23 28 6

Wisconsin, 12 21 3

Total, 301 311 109

Southern Section.

Delaware, 6 5 10

Maryland, 6 11 36

District of Colum., 43 28 27

Virginia, 12 4 4

West Virginia, 6 4 2

North Carolina, 6 4 2

South Carolina, 5 5 3

Georgia, 6 7 5

Florida. 2 2 1

Alabama, 3 2 5

Mississippi, 5 0 4

Tennessee, 7 16 6

Kentucky, 12 15 19

Total, 119 103 124

Western Section.

Minnesota, 23 27 6

Towa, 28 14 12

Missouri, 57 55 32

Louisiana, 8 8 1

Texas, 11 12 6

Kansas, 21 13 12

Nebraska, 16 5 3

Colorado, 23 24 5

Utah, 9 3 1

Montana, 5 1 0

Oregon, 2 5 2

California, 47 14 4

Total, 250 181 84

Scattering States, 14 10 7

Total of section, 264 191 91

Foreign Countries.

Canada, 29 4 6

Hawaiian Islands, 2 10 3

Japan, 5 5 0

Turkey, 0 5 0

Wales, 0 5 0

Ireland, 1 1 5

Total, 37 30 14

Scattered, 27 13 15

Total of foreign countries, 64 43 29

Grand total, 3605 2294 1088
