
Armenian Relief.

In accordance with the vote of the public meeting, January 13, held under the auspices of the United Religious Societies, a committee has been appointed to receive subscriptions in the University to be placed at the disposal of the Red Cross Movement for the relief of the sufferers in Armenia. Since some uncertainty seems to exist as to the possibility that relief may not reach the sufferers, we print the following letter from Miss Barton:

"In accordance with its understanding with the National Armenian Relief Committee of New York and the Armenian Relief Committees of Boston and Worcester, the American Red Cross starts today for Turkey to investigate on the spot and determine whether or not it will be able to distribute relief among the sufferers from famine, want and sickness in different sections of Turkey.

As we never solicit funds for our work, the above named Armenian relief committees (at whose solicitation the Red Cross has responded) have undertaken the raising of funds and supplies which will be utilized by us.

"In case it is found impracticable or impossible for us to adequately distribute the relief, we will so advise the several committees, and other existing agencies will be used, so that all contributors may be assured that money and material given by them will reach the sufferers.

"The Red Cross will be in constant communication with these committees, who will make reports to the public from time to time of the progress of our work.


"In the meantime all funds should be sent to Messrs. Brown Bros. and Co.. New York, Boston and Philadelphia, to be placed to the credit of the Armenian relief fund, or to the American National Red Cross.

CLARA BARTON, President American National Red Cross."The committee is as follows: C. E. Noyes, 338 Harvard St.; H. C. Wright, 15 Divinity Hall; J. C. Fairchild, 55 Claverly Hall.
