
Harvard Union.

At the regular semi-annual meeting of the Harvard Union last night, the following officers were elected: President, J. P. Warren '96; vice-president, F. H. Smith '96; secretary, H. L. Belisle '96; treasurer, F. Hendrick '98; member of executive committee, C. Grilk '98. The retiring president, C, E, Bryan '96, was elected to represent the Union on the Advisory Committee on Debating.

The first regular meeting of the Union after mid-years will take place Friday evening, February 14, in Sever 11, when a competitive debate for membership will be held. The subject will be: "Resolved, that the attitude of the United States government on the Venezuela question should be commended." The competition is open to all members of the University and it is urged that men who intend to try for the Yale debate avail themselves of this opportunity for preliminary practice.
