
Duplicate Whist Tournament.

The blue-book for receiving entries for the duplicate whist tournament has been placed at Bartlett's and entries may be made there until 6 p. m. on Friday, January 31. The fee is one dollar per couple.

This tournament is open to any student member of the University. Since the players on the team in the match with Yale will be selected according to the showing made in this tournament, all who are at all interested in whist are urged to enter.

Though the entries close January 31, the first round will not end till February 15; hence, there will be ample time after the end of the mid-year period to play the matches of the first round. Information regarding the tournament as well as the match with Yale will be cheerfully given on application to any member of the tournament committee.

C. D. BOOTH '96, J. D. ARNOLD L. S., E. H. BROWN '96, Committee.
