
Princeton Baseball Prospects.

The outlook for baseball this season at Princeton is very promising. Many of the members of last year's team are still in college and many good candidates have added their names to the list. Thirteen candidates have presented themselves for the position of pitcher, among them Altman, Easton and Wilson. The most uncertain position is behind the bat, where it will be hard to replace Trenchard and Williams. Kelly is the most promising man for first base and Captain Bradley will play second. Gunster and Ward will probaply play third base and shortstop, The management will adopt the plan followed last year of playing Altman, Easton and Wilson in the outfield when they are not pitching. All are excellent fielders and as batters they will materially strengthen the team. The fact that ten games are to be played with Harvard and Yale has increased the interest in the team and the coming season will be one of the most interesting in the history of the college.
