Bishop Vincent conducted the Vesper Service in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. After reading as his Scripture lesson the last fourteen verses of the first chapter of Mark, he spoke briefly as follows:
The first vesper services of which we have any record were those in the groves of Eden. There, before man had fallen, Adam and Eve had many sweet communings face to face with God. How happy must they have been, as the evening twilight was falling, with their loving Lord shedding blessings upon their innocence. But another hour came, when man trembled before God in the first consciousness of his sin and degradation. The heavenly harmonies were broken. There was no joy in that vesper hour-the last in Eden.
But all was not lost when Adam fell. There was another vesper hour, when Christ called unto Himself the sick to heal them of their wounds. And He is still bringing His healing power to the spirit of man today. He gives joy for sorrow, and peace for despair. It is better to live upon the heights of our time than in the lowlands of antiquity. Let us thank God for all these blessings, and, above all, for the Christ who made them possible.
The following selections were well rendered by the choir: "Lord, I call upon Thee," Bridge; "The Beatitudes," Chadwick; "Blessed be the Man," Knox.
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