
'Varsity Crew.

Yesterday afternoon the number of the 'varsity crew candidates was reduced to twenty-one men, including the old members. The work yesterday for the new men consisted of a thorough drill in the body and arm movement and then a short stretch with the sliding seats. Mr. Watson and Captain Bullard have decided that the rowing room will be open to the students on Monday afternoons only. On the other days the doors will be locked but the students may look on at the practice from the outside if they so desire.

Following is the list of the new candidates who have been retained: Bull '98, Donald '99, Conger L. S., Reed '98, Sanders L. S., Hennen '98, Hayes '96, Rice '98, Brewer '96, Wheeler '98, Williams '97, Moulton '98.

Today Chatman '97 who rowed on last year's 'varsity crew will come out as a candidate.
