
Freshman Crew Notice.

The following men will be in the rowing room dressed to row tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock: Winch, Brannan, Bigelow, Lawton, Palmer, Scudder, Denison, Smith, Farley, Keily, Garrett, Sherburne, Hayes, Norton, Brice, Forbes, Averill, Huntington, Cunningham, Robbins, Swift, Cutting, C. P. Adams, W. Adams, Whitman, Homans, Legnard, Nourse, Curtis, Spencer.

The following men will be in the rowing room dressed to row at 4.45:

Whitbeck, Marvin, Thompson, Perkins, McDuffie, Duffield, Savage, Dibblee, Sampson, Schlesinger, Mills, Catlin, Coleman, Lloyd, A. Adams, Simonds, R. Perkins, Brewster, Harris, Blake, Dinsmore, Davis, Taylor.

All men whose names have been omitted from either of these lists are requested to report at either 4 o'clock or 4.45.

The candidates for coxswain need not present themselves until further notice.

