

University Club Project Left in its Hands.- Printed Report.

The Committee of Five appointed to report on the need and desirability of establishing a large University Club at Harvard, made its report at an open meeting of graduates at the University Club in Boston last evening. Mr. Charles Francis Adams presided. The report is printed and recites at some length the existing social conditions in the University and gives the result of the canvass recently conducted by means of blue books and daily themes,- namely, a strong expression in favor of the plan and a very small percentage of opinion against it. The workings of the Yale University Club and of the Oxford and Cambridge Unions are described, the latter being a very successful parallel to the proposed club. The report concludes with a strong recommendation that steps be taken as soon as possible leading to the carrying out of the plans.

After the report had been read by the secretary of the committee, Mr. William R. Thayer, and accepted, the plan in all its bearings was discussed. It was quite evident that the feeling of the meeting, though conservative, was strongly in favor of the club. A vote was finally passed giving over the report and further conduct of the plans to a committee of ten, to be appointed by the chairman, with power to increase its membership. The committee was instructed to send a circular to the graduates calling for a general expression of opinion and to ascertain how many graduates would be likely to pay a non-resident membership fee of not over five dollars.

Among those present at the meeting were C. F. Adams'56, W. R. Thayer '81, H. E. Warner '82, T. C. Thacher '82, William Endicott, 3d, '87, H. L. Higginson, W. E. Russell '77, Roger Wolcott '70, F. W. Thayer '78, R. W. Emmons '95, J. D. Greene '96, R. H. Stevenson '97, J. H. Perkins '98, Malcolm Donald '99.


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