
Official Notice.

ENGLISH C AND 28.- I shall resume my consuitation hours today.

L. T. DAMON.ENGLISH 6.- Members of the course will please take notice of the following corrections in the printed list of assignments:

Palfrey, Nos. 6, 14, 20, 24.

Pollak, Nos. 6, 15, 23, 28.

Debate No. 10, Dutton in place of Fox.


Debate No. 20, Palfrey in place of Russell.

Debate No. 29, Warren in place of Wilbour.

ALBERT BUSHNELL HART.ENGLISH 22.- Daily themes, notwith-standing the impression of some members of the course to the contrary, are required through January 21.

I SHALL be unable to meet the reading classes this week.

C. T. COPELAND.80 6f

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