
Vesper Service.

The first Vesper Service of 1896 was held in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon.

The music, as usual, was excellent. The following selections were sung: "O Lord Our Governor," Marcello; "Come, O Israel," Costa; "Even Me," Warren. The latter, a bass solo, was well rendered by H. E. Cottle '98.

Bishop John H. Vincent, of Topeka, Kansas, after reading selections from the third chapter of Phillippians, and the first chapter of I Timothy, took these passages as his text.

He said in effect: Paul teaches the relation which exists in every man's nature between the past and the present, and with authority, for no man has experienced a more sudden, more absolute change from his original self, than the great apostle.

Though we are held responsible for past deeds and actions, and though their memories and, still more, their consequences have become parts of our characters, we must not allow ourselves to be crushed by this weight. Paul says: to forget the past, to look forward with hope, and to press on toward the goal ahead.


Human character can be radically changed. Under good influences, the worst of men can learn to loathe the things which were formerly his delight.

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