

(Continued from first page.)

game and won himself into the favor of the crowd. He broke through cleanly, and never let any gains be made through his position.

The Dartmouth team had adopted the Yale rules, but a compromise was made. Dartmouth did not insist on having only three men behind the line when in possession of the ball-in other words, allowed more than three to participate in the interference from the moment the ball was shapped. Harvard, on the other hand, agreed to leave out of calculation the rule relating to fair catches. According to the Harvard rule, the one making a fair catch cannot run with the ball.

The story of the game is short. At first, Harvard played sharply. The men were ready to take advantage of fumbles and the like, and the rushing was sharp, with the result that the touchdown was made in less than four minutes. Then Dartmouth grew aggressive, and from that time forth actually put Harvard on the defensive. Frequently Harvard got the ball, but either somebody would be guilty of holding or would get off side or interfere, and Harvard would lose the ball before having a chance to make any gains.

Dartmouth had the kick-off. The ball went to Dunlop, who was downed on Harvard's 30 yard line. After a short gain, Dunlop punted to Dartmouths 35 yard line. Eckstrom made 10 yards through Gould; then the ball was fumbled, and Weld finally secured it on Dartmouth's 30 yard line. Hayes and Dunlop, by successive short gains, carried the ball near the line, Dunlop scoring the touchdown. Arthur Brewer failed to kick a goal, and the score stood: Harvard 4, Dartmouth 0.


Dartmouth again had the kick-off. Weld caught the ball. Dunlop punted on the first down. Dartmouth began to gain, but lost the ball for off-side play. Harvard kicked and Brewer secured the ball on a fumble. Then Harvard was off-side, and Dartmouth got the ball again. The rest of the half was but a repetition of this. Harvard would get the ball, and make some breach in the rules and Dartmouth would get it. Then Dartmouth would play the same trick. The ball was finally near the centre of the field when time was called.

In the second half Harvard lost repeatedly for offside play, and began to loose heart. Finally, by reason of Harvard's poor playing and good rushing, Dartmouth had the ball only 25 yards from Harvard's goal. Then they lost it on account of a fumble. Harvard kicked, and a moment later Dartmouth punted back to Harvard's 10 yard line, which was the nearest they came to Harvard's goal.

Of course the ball was Harvard's. Brewer punted over 30 yards. Then Harvard stood firm for three times in succession, and secured the ball on downs. Brewer and Wrightington were just beginning to get in good rushes when Dunlop fumbled, and Lakeman received the ball. A punt to Brewer brought the ball back to Harvard's 30 yard line. Wrightington ran 15 yards round Lakeman, and both he and Brewer were making successive rushes of five yards apiece when time was called with the ball only a short distance into Dartmouth's territory.


Cabot, l. e. r. e., Cavanagh.

Hallowell, (Stevenson,) l. t. r. t., Lewis.

Holt, l. g. r. g., Marshall.

Shaw, c. c., Turner.

Hoague, r. g. l. g., Bowles.

Gould, r. t. l. t., Abbott.

Newell, (A. Brewer), r. e. l. e., Lakeman.

Beale, (Borden), q. b. q. b., McCornack.

Hayes, (C. Brewer), h. b. h. b. Eckstrom.

Weld, (Wrightington), h. b. h. b., Crolius.

Dunlop, f. b. f. b., McAndrews.

Score, Harvard 4, Dartmouth 0. Touchdown, Dunlop. Umpires, Kennedy and Carleton. Referee, B. G. Waters. Time, 30m. Linesmon, Trafford and Rogers. Attendance, 3,000.
