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Improvements in Boylston Hall.

During the summer improvements have been rapidly carried forward in Boylston Hall, under the supervision of Professor Hill.

The chief change has been made in the basement or cellar of the building, where a complete metamorphosis has taken place. In the western end of this floor a large, well-lighted and well ventilated room has been made out of what was formerly a dark and comparatively useless cellar. In order to effect this change, the brick partitions, which formerly separated the cellar into several rooms, were removed and in their place were put iron girders supported by small iron pillars. The old windows which were very small and high up, were lengthened and broadened. This new room is ventilated by a hood running the entire length of the wall, extending down from the ceiling for two or three feet. The hood connects with a 30-inch electric fan, which is kept in motion by a one hourse power electric motor. The room, which is 66x35 ft., will be used as a laboratory for the members of Chemistry 1. It contains tables and lockers for some two hundred and thirty men.

The other improvements in the building are almost entirely in the matter of ventilation. Two large ventilators have been placed in the lecture room on the second floor, and these ventilators are connected with immense electric fans placed under the roof. New ventilators have been put in all the laboratories, like wise connected with electric fans in the roof. When these fans are in motion the air in the rooms is constantly changing, so that the most thorough ventilation is secured.
