

(Continued from first page.)

'96, H. Sayre '98, F. L. Huidekoper '96 3 p. m.- L. P. Marvin '98, E. Millard '98, J. B. Swann '98, H. R. Scott '97.

Directory of Committees.The following is a directory of committees for today:

Graduate School: Professor J. M. Peirce, Dean, Univ. 10.

Graduate Club, Committee for Reception of New Graduate Students: Univ. 24, north entry, 3d floor.


Courses for Teachers: Professor Paul H. Hanus, Sever 8.

Harvard College: Professor L. B. R. Briggs, Dean, Univ. 5.

Examinations for admission to College: Professor M. H. Morgan, Univ. 5.

Admission from other Colleges: Professor H. C. G. on Jagemann, University Examination Room, Univ. Hall, 3d floor.

Advisers to Freshmen: Professor F. C. de Sumichrast, Sever 23.

Special Students in Harvard College: Professor H. K. Schilling, Univ. 4.

Lawrence Scientific School: Professor N. S. Shaler, Dean.

M. Chamberlain, secretary, Scientific building, secretary's office, room 8.

Board of Preachers to the University: Professor F. G. Peabody, Wadsworth House 1.

Committee on Reception of Students: Professor N. S. Shaler, Univ. 2.

Asst. Secretary of the University: Mr. R. Cobb, Univ. 5.

Bursar of the University: Mr. C. F. Mason, Wadsworth House. (Office hours: 9-1).

Dining Association: Mr. I. B. Fisk, Auditor, Memorial Hall.

Foxcroft Club: Foxcroft House, Kirkland street, corner Oxford.

Directory of Instructors.The following is a directory of instructors in the Graduate School, the College, and the Scientific School, for today:

Instructors whose names are bracketed will be represented at the time and place specified by some other person.

Chairmen or representatives of departments are denoted by an asterisk, with the name of the department following.

Abbreviations: Univ.- University Hall; Jeff. Lab.- Jefferson Physical Laboratory; L. S. S.- Lawrence Scientific School; Z. M.- Zoological Museum; Arch. Bldg.- Architectural Building. The location of buildings is shown on a map, to be had at University Hall, 2.

Mr. C. A. Adams, L. S. S. 6.

Professor F. D. Allen, Sever 15.

Professor W. J. Ashley, Univ. 14.

Mr. C. H. Ashton, Sever 24.

Mr. I. Babbitt, Sever 8.

Professor G. P. Baker, Sever 1.

Professor G. A. Bartlett, German, Sever 2.

Mr. J. W. Bemis, Arch. Bldg.

Dr. H. C. Bierwirth, Weld 36.

Professor F. Bocher, French, Sever 21.

Professor M. Bocher, Univ. 19.

Dr. G. W. Botsford, Harvard 1.

Professor L. B. R. Briggs, Univ. 5.

Mr. A. Brun, Sever 19.

Professor W. E. Byerly, Mathematics, Sever 20.

Professor E. Channing, Univ. 10.

Professor F. J. Child, Sever 1.

Dr. A. C. Coolidge, Harvard 2.

Professor E. Cummings, Univ. 14.

Dr. C. B. Davenport, Z. M., 5th ft.

Professor W. M. Davis, Geology, Univ. 4.

Mr. R. E. Dodge, Z. M. 1st fl. 2.

[Professor C. F. Dunbar], Economics, Univ. 14.

Professor E. Emerton, Univ. 20.

Professor C. C. Everett, Divinity Library 1.

[Professor W. G. Farlow], Univ. Museum 29c.

Professor G. W. Fitz, L. S. S. Lab.

Mr. J. B. Fletcher, Sever 5.

Professor K. Francke, Sever 2.

Mr. S. H. Gardiner, Grays 18.

Dr. A. C. Garrett, Sever 1.

Mr. L. E. Gates, Sever 1.

Professor G. L. Goodale, Botany, Univ. Museum 19.

Professor W. W. Goodwin, Sever 27.

Professor J. B. Greenough, Sever 14.

Professor Chas. Gross, History, Univ. 20.

Dr. C. B. Gulick, Harvard 1.

Professor E. H. Hall, Physics, Jeff. Lab. 3.

Mr. T. Hall, Little's 18.

Professor P. H. Hanus, Sever 8.

Professor A. B. Hart, Univ. 14.

Mr. J. J. Hayes, Holden Chapel.

Dr. H. W. Hayley, Harvard 3.

Professor A. S. Hill, English, Sever 3.

Professor H. B. Hill, Boylston 15.

Professor I. N. Hollis, Engineering, L. S. S. 6.

Professor A. A. Howard, Harvard 3.

Mr. B. S. Hurlbut, Sever 5.

Professor C. L. Jackson, Chemistry, Boylston 6.

Dr. R. T. Jackson, Z. M. 1st fl. 2.

Professor H. C. G. von Jagemann, Univ. Exam. Room, Univ. Hall, 3d fl.

Professor W. James, Psychol, Lab., Upper Dane.

Mr. A. N. Johnson, L. S. S. 13.

Mr. L. J. Johnson, L. S. S. 1.

Professor G. L. Kittredge, Sever 1.

Professor C. R. Lanman, Indo-Iranian, Sever 15.

Mr. J. L. Love, L. S. S. 1.

Professor D. G. Lyon, Semitic Sever 9.

[Mr. W. E. McClintock], L. S. S. 8.

Professor S. M. Macvane, Harvard 2.

Dr. P. B. Marcou, Sever 30.

Professor E. L. Mark, Zoology, Z. M. 4th fl. 2.

Professor A. R. Marsh, Ital, and Span., Sever 16.

Mr. A. M. La Meslee, Sever 13.

Professor C. H. Moore, Fogg Museum.

Professor M. H. Morgan, Univ. 5.

Mr. W. V. Moses, L. S. S. 5.

Mr. G. F. Newton, Arch. Bldg.

Mr. A. Nichols, Grays 5.

Professor C. E. Norton, Fine Arts, Sever 33.

Professor W. F. Osgood, Univ. 19.

Professor J. K. Paine, Music, Lower Dane.

Mr. C. P. Parker, Sever 13.

Dr. G. H. Parker, Z. M. 4th fl. 3.

Professor F. G. Peabody, Wadsworth 1.

Professor B. O. Peirce, Jeff. Lab. 38.

Professor J. M. Peirce, Univ. 19.

Dr. M. Poll, Sever 6.

[Professor F. J. Putnam], Amer.

Archxol. and Ethnol, Peabody Mus.

Mr. G. S. Rice, L. S. S. Library.

Professor T. W. Richards, Boylston 2.

Lieut. W. Robinson, L. S. S. 6.

Professor J. Royce, Univ. 17.

Mr. W. C. Sabine, Jeff. Lab. 41

Dr. G. Santayana, Univ. 4.

Dr. D. A. Sargent, Hemenway Gymnasium.

Professor H. K. Schilling, Univ. 4.

[Professor N. S. Shaler], Z. M. 1st fl. 2.

Mr. H. B. Shaw, L. S. S. Library.

Professor E. S. Sheldon, Germanic

and Romance Philology, Sever 17.

Mr. M. M. Skinner, Sever 9.

Professor C. L. Smith, Sever 14.

Professor H. L. Smyth, Z. M. 1st fl. 2.

Professor F. C. de Sumichrast, Sever 23.

Professor F. W. Taussig, Univ. 14.

Professor R. Thaxter, Univ. Mus, 29c.

Mr. J. Torrey, Boylston 8.

Professor C. H. Toy, Sever 9.

Professor J. Trowbridge, Jeff. Lab. 7.

Mr. D. L. Turner, L. S. S. 5.

[Mr. R. Dec. Ward], Univ. 14.

Professor H. L. Warren, Architecture, Arch. Bldg.

Professor B. Wendell, Grays 18.

Professor J. W. White, Classics, Harvard 1.

Professor J. D. Whitney Z. M. 2d fl.

Mr. F. B. Williams, Univ. 20.

Dr. R. W. Willson, L. S. S. 4.

Professor J. E. Wolff, Mineralogy and Petrography, Univ. Museum, 2 fl.

Mr. J. B. Woodworth, Z. M. 1st fl. 2.

Dr. W. McM. Woodworth, Z. M. 2-4.

Mr. C. H. C. Wright, Sever B.

Professor J. H. Wright, Holworthy 20.

Mr. C. L. Young. Grays 18.
