

(Continued from first page.)

Thursday from 9 to 1 o'clock, in University examination room, University Hall, 3d floor.

College special students in the first year of attendance assemble in Massachusetts Hall, upper room, at 9 o'clock on Wednesday, Sept. 25. At 9.30 o'clock they will meet their advisers in rooms named below. A written list of studies for the entire year must be submitted to the advisers for approval.

Mr. Baker, University 19.

Professor Gross, University 4.


Mr. Love, University 17.

Professor Moore, University 16.

Dr. G. H. Parker, University 17.

Dr. Poll, University 20.

Professor Schilling, Unversity 4.

Freshmen and special students may obtain information concerning courses in the various departments of study on Wednesday, Sept 25, from the following instructors, who will be present in the rooms following their names in the list below, from 10 to 1 o'clock.

Semitic, Professor D. G. Lyon, Sever 9. Indo-Iranian, Professor C. R. Lanman, Sever 15.

Greek, Professor J. W. White, Sever 15. Latin, Professor A. A. Howard, Sever 17. English, Mr. Gardiner, Sever 35.

German, Professor H. K. Schilling, University 4.

Germ. and Romance Philology, Professor E. S. Sheldon, Sever 16.

French, Professor F. C. de Sumichrast, Sever 23.

Italian and Spanish, Professor A. R. Marsh, Sever 16.

Philosophy, Professor J. Royce, Sever 16.

History, Professor C. Gross, Sever 15.

Economics, Professor F. W. Taussing, University 14.

Fine Arts, Professor C. H. Moore, Fogg Mus.

Music, Professor J. K. Paine, Lower Dane.

Mathematics, Professor W. G. Osgood, Sever 24.

Engineering, Professor I. N. Hollis, L. S. S. 6.

Electrical Engineering. Mr. C. A. Adams, L. S. S. Library.

Physics, Professor E. H. Hall, Sever 8.

Chemistry, Professor C. L. Jackson, Boylston Hall 8.

Mineralogy and Petrography, Professor W. M. Davis, Univ. 4.

Botany, Mr. H. L. Jones, Sever 28.

Zoology, Dr. C. B. Davenport, Sever 28.

Geology, Professor W. M. Davis, Univ. 4.

Amer. Archaeology and Ethnology, Dr. G. A. Dorsey, Sever 28.

Lawrence Scientific School. Students may consult their advisers, at the places named below, between the hours of 9 and 1 o'clock, or between 2 and 5 o'clock, Wednesday, Sept. 25.

Civil Eng. and Mechanical Eng., Professor Hollis, L. S. S. 6.

Electrical Engineering, Mr. C. A. Adams, L. S. L., Library.

Mining Engineering, Professor J. E. Wolff, Univ. Museum, 2d fl.

Architecture, Professor H. L. Warren, L. S. S. Library.

Chemistry, Professor J. E. Wolff, Univ. Museum, 2d fl.

Geology, Professor N. S. Shaler, L. S. S. Sec. Office.

Botany and Zoology, Dr. C. B. Davenport, Sever 28.

General Science, Dr. R. W. Willson, L. S. S. 4.

Science for Teachers, Professor P. H. Hanus, Sever 6.

Anatomy and Hygiene, Dr. G. W. Fitz, L. S. S. Lab.

The Board of Preachers to the University will be represented by Professor F. G. Peabody, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, in Wadsworth House 1 from 10 to 1 o'clock, on Wednesday, Sept 25.

Thursday, September 26.No meetings in courses of study will be held during Thursday morning. The first meeting will be those announced for 1.30 o'clock Thursday afternoon.

College special students re-admitted from a previous year of attendance will meet their advisers at 9.30 o'clock on Thursday, Sept. 26, in the consultation rooms announced on page 4.

Registration of all students on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Members of the Graduate School, University Hall 10, 3d floor.

College Seniors, Lower Dane.

College Juniors, Harvard 6.

College Sophomores, Upper Dane.

College Freshmen, Upper Mass.

College Specials, University 16.

All students of Scientific School, in the school building, room 9.

Enrolment: Every student must attend the first meeting in all his courses of study and write his name on a card then provided. For times of meeting, see the Announcement of Courses of Instruction, 1895-96; for places of meeting, see official bulletin boards. There will be no meetings in courses on Thursday, Sept. 26, before 1.30 p. m.

REGISTRATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO HAVE FAILED OF PROMOTION.Every College student who has failed of promotion is required to register on Wednesday, Sept. 25, between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. in University 23.

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