The Committee on the Reception of Students will be in University 2 for three days beginning this morning, from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. The committee will be assisted by about sixty undergraduates, three or four being present each hour.
The object of the committee is to give new-comers such information as they need regarding the whereabouts of instructors and other officers of the University, location of buildings and streets, lodging and boarding houses, to distribute maps of the Yard and Cambridge, to furnish copies of the pamphlets published by the University, and, generally, to assist new-comers.
The members of the committee are: Professors N. S. Shaler, chairman, F. C. de Sumichrast, F. G. Peabody, A. A. Howard, E. Cummings, and Messrs. J. C. Fairchild '96, R. H. Stevenson '97, and J. H. Perkins '98.
The appointments of the undergraduates who are to assist the committee for today are as follows:
Tuesday, September 24.
9 a. m.- T. G. Stevenson '96, R. H. Hallowell '96, M. G. Gonterman.
10 a. m.- E. F. W. Bartol '97, L. F. Sise '97, L. E. Bristol '98.
11 a. m.- A. Borden '96, R. M. Townsend '96, B. Frothingham '96, W. T. Denison '96.
12 m.- A. C. Train '96, C. Grilk '98, J. D. Greene '96.
1 p. m.- H. R. Bygrave '98, C. K. Moore '98, F. A. Burlingame '97.
2 p. m.- W. W. Hoyt '98, D. D. Scannell '97, C. Grilk '98.
3 p. m.- L. de F. Smith '96, L. H. Parkhurst '98, E. V. Frothingham '96.
Graduate Club to Assist.A large number of new-comers each year are men who have come to Harvard for advanced study and whose needs at the beginning of the year are in many respects different from those of men just entering college. To such and to any others who may come to them, a committee of the Graduate Club will be prepared to give assistance on Thursday, Sept. 26, from 9 to 1, in 24 University Hall. The Committee will be composed of representatives of the different departments of study in the Graduate School, and will be glad to give new men such information, and, if needed, such advice as will make them as well acquainted as possible with their new surroundings.
As early in the year as is practicable the Club will hold in its rooms a reception to the Corporation Overseers, Faculty, and to the Graduate School. The object of this reception will be to help the new men to get acquainted with their instructors and with one another.
These two meetings are all the Club will do formally, but every officer of the Club holds it as a part of his duty as well as a pleasure to assist graduates in any way he is able.
Meeting of Welcome in Sanders.On Friday evening next a meeting of welcome to new members of the University will be held in Sanders Theatre. Brief addresses will be made by members of the teaching and governing bodies of the University and by undergraduates. After the meeting in Sanders there will be a reception to the new members of the University in Memorial Hall, where refreshments will be served.
The Y. M. C. A. Bureau.The reading room and informatory bureau conducted by the Harvard Christian Association in Holden Chapel continues to be more successful than the Association had expected. A large number of men availed themselves yesterday of the privileges of the rooms, especially as a place to spend pleasantly a few spare minutes. The bureau has already helped to find boarding houses and rooms for several men. They have in hand the most complete list of rooms now out.
The rooms will be kept open through Thursday, and new and old Harvard men are invited to see them.
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