
The Official Football Rules.

Spalding's Official Football Guide for 1895 edited by Walter Camp has been issued. It contains the only official rules that will govern football this season. The official rules are published in full. The Guide also publishes the amendments to the official rules as adopted by Yale and Princeton, and under which rules they will play, and also the amendments to the official rules as adopted by Harvard, Pennsylvania and Cornell, and under which rules these three colleges will play. To a certain extent, the football situation, so far as it pertains to rules, will be much mixed this season, and in Spalding's Official Guide the announcement is made that all schools, colleges and athletic clubs not affiliated with the five above can use the official rules, if they so desire, or they can use the rules of Yale and Princeton, or the rules as amended by Harvard, Pennsylvania and Cornell, but in each instance the manager and captain of the opposing team must receive two weeks' notice as to what rules they will play under. Besides the exclusive publication of these rules, the Guide contains other matter of great importance to football players, the pictures of all the leading players of Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Cornell, and nearly every other institution of learning in the United States, as well as the official record of each and every game played. The book is larger than heretofore, containing 128 pages of well edited matter. It will be forwarded, postpaid, upon receipt of ten cents, to any address in the United States or Canada, by the American Sports Publishing Company, 241 Broadway, New York.
