The Harvard Christian Association began the work of the year by opening on last Friday morning a Bureau of Information. The rooms of the association in Holden Chapel have been made bright and comfortable and provided generously with all the current periodicals and New York, Boston and Chicago daily papers. Members of the association are present during the larger part of the day to give any information possible to the men just entering the University and to make the early days of their university life easy and comfortable.
This attempt of the association to form a Bureau of Information is the first of its kind but that it its appreciated is shown by the large number of men who avail themselves of the opportunity afforded. The bureau will continue through Thursday, September 26, the morning of registration.
There has been issued during the past summer Volume VI of the Association Hand-book. The precedent of a square, paper covered pamphlet has been departed from and this year the association offers a booklet neatly bound in red leather, so made as to be readily carried about. It contains besides information about the religious societies of the University and points of interest to old and new students, twenty-five pages for memoranda. This hand-book will be given to the freshman class on the morning of registration and probably to the sophomore class at some later date.
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