FRENCH 1a. Section IV, French 1c, Sect. III: Dictations have been returned to Sever A.
I. BABBITT.GYMNASIUM PHOTOGRAPHS. - Members of the senior class who wish a second photograph for comparison, and members of the freshman class who have not yet been photographed, may have another opportunity at the Carey Athletic Building on Saturday, June 8th and 15th, between 9 and 1 o'clock.
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D. A. SARGENT.NOTICE TO SENIORS. - ENGLISH A. - Seniors who were members of this course 1891-92 will find their themes in Sever 1.
B. S. HURLBUT.TEXT-BOOKS and note-books left in the Library reading-room will be found at the delivery desk.
FRENCH A. - Exercise books and summaries have been returned to Sever A.
I. BABBITT.Students who leave Cambridge for the vacation must first return all books borrowed from the library.
SALES' Prize Competition in Spanish Composition. - The examination upon which the award of the Sales' Prize will be made, is to be held on Wednesday, June 12, at 9.15 a.m., in Harvard 5.
For the Committee.
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Special Notices.