
Special Notice.

TUTORING in History 1, History 10, Fine Arts 4, Govt. and Law 17.


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21 Trowbridge St.ENGLISH A AND 7, ECONOMICS 10, TUTORING. - R. E. Gregg '94, The Stanstead, 19 Ware street (near Ware Hall, one minute from the yard). Men are advised to come early.

71 18tFINE ARTS 4, History 1, 10, 11, 12, Tutoring.


W. W. NOLEN,2 Manter Hall.TICKETS WEST AND SOUTH. - For the most attractive routes and low rates to all points West and South, call on



4 D., Hours 1 to 2.30; 7 to 8 p.m.TO LET. - Two nicely furnished rooms for students, singly or in suite.

88 tf

52 Wendell St.ALL students wanting furnished rooms for friends during Class Day and Commencement will find them at

88 eod 3t

52 Wendell St.FOR SALE. - Cutter Thelga; water-line 21 ft.; over all 26 ft. Cruising accommodations for three. Apply to


88 2t

Hemenway Gymnasium.ALL students desiring complimentary copies of this year's Club Book may receive them by sending their names and addresses to

WM. B. WOLFFE, 24 Follen St.GERMAN A, B, C, E, F, G, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 4, 5; French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 6. Tutoring. Approved tutor by the French Department.

J. M. KAGAN, GR.,12 Remington St.,

85 4t

Opposite Ware Hall.STUDENTS ATTENTION. - Every one should hear Edison's latest exhibition phonographs. Over 200 vocal selections and many selections from Sousa's Grand Concert Band, Baldwin's Cadet Band, as well as humorous and comic recitations. Five cents for each selection. 1304 Massachusetts avenue, opposite Boylston Hall.

TUTORING for admission examinations, also in French, German, Spanish and Italian. Boston School of Languages, 88 Boylston street, Boston.

*yFELTON HALL, a private dormitory, has changed hands. Will be refitted and part of the suites fully furnished, opens July 1. Rooms can be seen any time after June 1.

DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.
