'96 BASEBALL NINE. - The picture of the nine has been postponed till next Friday at 2 p. m. All men who played in the Yale game as well as substitutes will be taken.
++PI ETA. - Picture will be taken today back of Sever at 1.30 sharp.
"YOU PHIVES." - The following men be on Soldiers Field at 2, to play "Pops": Benson, Harris, White, Prescott, Foster, Gray, Burden, Sullivan, Abbott, Dexter, Dunlop.
E. L. HILL.BICYCLE WANTED. - Will buy a good medium weight wheel. Must be a bargain. Address, E. E. C., 15 Brewer's Block.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Photograph of the society will be taken Wednesday, June 5, at 1.30 p. m., at rear of Sever Hall.
The semi-annual business meeting of the society will be held in 17 Grays on Wednesday, June 5, at 7 p. m. Every member is requested to be present. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. New members who have not yet signed the constitution and received their shingles are urged to attend, as this is the last meeting of the year.
H. B. HUNTINGTON, Sec.FATHER HUNTINGTON O.H.C., will be in 17 Grays Tuesday evening from 7 to 9. Any men who may wish to talk to him may see him at that time.
H. E. ADDISON.ADVOCATE. - Literary committee meeting at 18 Holyoke House at 5 o'clock.
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