
The Races at New London.

Make-up of the Crews that Will Try their Strength with Yale.

The annual Harvard-Yale 'varsity boat race will be rowed at New London on the afternoon of the 28th of this month.

By that time both the Harvard and Yale crews will have had nearly a month of steady work under about the same conditions of water and tide as those in which the race will be rowed. This practice will be about the only real steady work Harvard has had. The almost continuous line of misfortunes which has followed the crew from the very first goes far towards lowering their chances of success. They are improving rapidly, however, and are sure to put up a good race.

Preparations are being made at New London to have the race managed more satisfactorily than ever before. This year the finish will be enclosed by a chain of logs to prevent the various pleasure craft from interfering.

The triangular race between the Harvard, Yale and Columbia freshmen crews will be rowed on the morning of the day before the 'varsity race.

The make-up of the two Harvard crews is as follows:



Position. Name. Weight. Height. Age.

Stroke, Bullard, 164 5.8 1/2 22

7 Fennessy, 172 5.10 1/2 22

6 Watriss, 176 5.11 3/4 24

5 Hollister, 176 5.11 20

4 Shepard, 170 5.9 22

3 Chatman, 169 5.10 20

2 Stillman, 167 5.10 1/2 20

Bow, Wrightington, 168 5.10 20
