Yesterday afternoon the 'varsity nine had its last hard practice before the Yale game. The work lasted about three hours, and consisted of batting and fielding. The men had the benefit of the coaching of a very competent set of graduates. There were Colonel Wins-low, Jack Highlands, Abbott, Hallowell, Cook, Trafford, Sullivan and Wiggin. The practice was lively, and the small crowd of spectators had several chances to applaud brilliant playing.
The make-up of the nine is practically settled, with the exception of two positions - those of shortstop and centre field. For the former position McVey, the freshman, will probably be the man, as Captain Whittemore's ankle is still weak, end Dean has a bad foot, caused by his accidentally spiking himself in the Newton game. Paine is being tried at centre field. He catches and throws well and is Burgess's superior in batting, but is not a success at picking up grounders.
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H. T. A. L.