
Official Notice.

GERMAN 1A. - The exercise books will not be returned until next autumn.

German 3. - The themes will be returned on Thursday morning after 9 o'clock in Sever 2.

German 5. - The themes are at the college office, and may be obtained from Mr. Cram.

H. K. SCHILLING.ZOOL. 2 AND 3. - Laboratory note books may be had by calling at the Laboratory.

G. H. PARKER.ENGINEERING 3a. - Drawings handed in this course will be returned Wednesday morning from 9-12, Room 13, L. S. S. The marks will be ready at that time.


HYGIENE I and II. - Note books, abstracts, etc., may now be taken from the Lab., L. S. S.

G. W. FITZ.TEXT-BOOKS and note-books left in the Library reading-room will be found at the delivery desk.
