
Class Day Notice.

Sales of tickets open to all members of the University will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 17,18 and 19 from 2 to 3.30 p. m. The price of tickets will be as follows:

Yard tickets, 25 cents each.

Memorial tickets,$1.50 each.

Tree tickets, $1.75 each.

Sanders tickets, $2.00 each.


Tickets purchased in packages may be returned and the cost price will be refunded from 11 to 12 a. m. June 17.

Graduates must have tickets to the Yard and Tree. They may obtain one of each free at any one of the graduate sales. These sales are June 18 and 19 from 11 to 12 at the Parker House, June 18,19, 20 and 21 from 2 to 3 at Harvard Hall.

Undergraduates are reminded that they also must have Tree tickets. They may get these and Yard tickets free at Thurston's.

Seniors who cannot go into the scrimmage may get graduate tickets at any of the graduate sales mentioned above. The rule made by the committee allowing no caps and gowns at the Tree will be strictly enforced.

P. W. WHITTEMORE,Chairman Class Day Committee.
