Latin 1 Sever 18.
Latin 6 Sever 23.
English 2 U. E. R.
English 11 Sever 35.
German B. Sever 35.
French 2 Up. Mass., Low. Dane.
Philosophy 14 Div. Lib.
History 9 Upper Dane.
Mathematics 7a U.E.R.
Mathematics 16 U. E. R.
Mathematics 17 U. E. R.
Engineering 1a Harvard 5, 6.
Chemistry 2 Univ. Mus. 9.
Geology 1 Geol. Lect. Room.
Geology 14 Geol. Lect. Room.
FRENCH 2.The following is the assignment of rooms for the final examination in French 2:
Abbott to M. J. Smith,
Upper Mass.
St. John Smith to Zanetti,
Lower Dane.
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Examinations Tomorrow.Latin 1, Sever 30. Latin 6, Sever 29. English 2, Sever 35 and 32. English 11, Sever 6. German B,
Final Examinations.Semitic 5 Sever 29. Latin 13 Sever 29. English 1 Sever 5. French 6 Harvard 5, 6. Comp. Literature 2
Final Examinations Tomorrow.Semitic 4 Sever 30. Greek B Sever 29, 30. Classical Philology 392 Sever 17. Classical Philology 502 Sever 17. German
Today's Examinations.Each examination begins at 9.30 a. m. and by the Regulations must not extend beyond three hours. SATURDAY, FEB. 13Semitic
Examinations Tomorrow.Semitic 16, Sever 17. Indo-Iranian 1, Sever 17. Latin F, Sever 17. English 7, Sever 35, 29. English 23, Lower