LOST. - A gold watch made by Clark, Royal Exchange, London. Inside caseengraved with coat of arms and chronometer. A liberal reward will be paid for its return and no questions asked. Janitor, Shepherd block, 31 Holyoke street.
CLASS DAY NOTICE. - Friends of students who intend spending Class Day week in Cambridge will find newly furnished suites, with bath-rooms, at Felton Hall, 1640 Cambridge street.
95 7tM. F. GILVAIR pays highest prices for gents' cast-off clothing. Address, Cambridge post office. All orders promptly attended to
95 2tFOR SALE CHEAP. - A first-class piano. Inquire 52 Thayer, Friday, June 14.
WANTED. - Bicycle. If you have an up to date machine in good order, that you wish to turn into cash, call on or write to Briggs, 1274 Mass. avenue.
J. T. OLSSON & Co. have received from Austria a lot of hand painted Harvard china, bonbonieres, ash trays, cups, etc. I offer them at a price barely one-half of that asked for similar goods painted in this country. Look in their window.
95 3t
ALL kinds of typewriting work done quickly and reasonably. Carbon copies furnished. Miss Bangs, 7 Exchange place, Boston. Telephone 1047.
59 mSTUDENTS ATTENTION. - Every one should hear Edison's latest exhibition phonographs. Over 200 vocal selections and many selections from Sousa's Grand Concert Band, Baldwin's Cadet Band, as well as humorous and comic recitations. Five cents for each selection. 1304 Massachusetts avenue, opposite Boylston Hall.
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